Stucco Crack Repair


Stucco Crack Repair

When you’re in need of expert stucco crack repair, you can turn to the trusted pros at Old Pueblo Stucco L.L.C. Stucco is a popular building material here in Arizona because it’s durable and low-maintenance. Plus, it fits in perfectly with the Southwestern architectural aesthetic. However, cracks can sometimes occur from time to time.

Why Is It Important to Schedule Prompt Stucco Crack Repair?

Although hairline cracks aren’t as dire as deep cracks, it’s still important to schedule stucco crack repair promptly. Even a small crack will allow moisture to seep into the walls, causing further damage. The moisture will compromise the integrity of the material. Eventually, the surrounding stucco will break away from the wall entirely, requiring more extensive repairs than straightforward stucco crack repair.

Furthermore, moisture inside the walls can create additional problems for your home or commercial building. It can cause the wooden framing to rot, and ruin the drywall and paint. In addition, moisture fuels mold growth, which can lead to adverse health effects on the occupants.

Repairing stucco before it causes additional damage is vastly preferable. At Old Pueblo Stucco, our elastomeric stucco crack repair services can keep your building in good condition.

Why Does Stucco Crack?

There are a number of reasons why stucco can develop cracks. Often, it occurs due to the shift in the ground over time. Structural loads, lateral force racking, the shrinkage of lumber, and changes in temperature can also lead to cracks over time.

At Old Pueblo Stucco, we perform all of our stucco repair work with an eye toward reducing the risk of future cracks. We approach stucco wall repair using a variety of methods, such as using fiberglass mesh or stucco-sand elastomeric caulking materials. Our repair methods are aligned with national standards established by industry organizations. These include the National Wall and Ceiling Bureau (NWCB) and the American Standards for Testing Materials (ASTM).

Contact Old Pueblo Stucco in Phoenix today to request an estimate for stucco crack repair. Call (520) 304-7037 .